Monday, 12 August 2013

The First Entry

So this is the first day that I officially find myself in South Korea. The weather is humid, the spiders are enormous (Spencer, you'd love it here, I tell you), and I had kimchi for breakfast. Aside from being long, the flight was pretty comfortable, with free movies, a bit of leg room, decent food, and unlimited scotch. The scotch part was pretty important. Unfortunately I haven't gotten around to taking any pictures yet, as we were travelling through the country on a bus for most of the evening. Stopped off on a highway rest stop though, complete with K-Pop beats coming from an old lady's stall, and almost no English signage to be seen. Also every surface here perspires. It's damp. Like I said, no pictures that I've personally taken so far, but here's a delightful piece of some local art for your enjoyment:

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